• How To Open and Run Code in Terminal VS Code

    When I was first learning how to code, our university made us use the terminal to write, compile, and run our code. They didn’t even teach us how to use an IDE, so the terminal was our IDE. If you don’t know what an IDE is, it stands for Integrated Development Environment. Terminal was my…

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  • How To Handle File I/O in C: Read, Write, and Append

    One of the coolest things you can do through programming is to read, write, and append information to files. Once you know how to do this, you can store data from your program to a file and receive that data at a later time when you restart the program. This is a foundational concept for…

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  • How to Stand Out and Land Your First Software Job

    So, it seems that the general sentiment these days is that it’s really hard to land a software job compared to years prior. Before, you could go to a bootcamp and quickly get a software job—maybe even within a year. But nowadays, people are graduating with CS or software degrees, and they can’t even get…

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  • Is it worth it to learn how to program?

    In this modern digital era, programming and programmers have become more and more crucial to building anything in this world. I personally have witnessed many of my friends change career paths towards programming. Some have switched for better pay and some for a less strenuous job. I also see a ton of people online learning…

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  • Can I learn how to program?

    Landing a programming job is the dream for many people these days. It provides a good work life balance. On top of that, it does sound cool and fun to build and use an application, but is it too hard? Does it take a particular kind of person to be a programmer? Maybe you are…

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  • 3 myths about programming jobs

    For those who aspire to have a programming job, there’s a lot of speculation about what programming jobs are like. I see many questions online and even had my own guesses when I was still a student about what work life would be like. Maybe you are wondering how much skill is needed to land…

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  • Which programming language should I learn first?

    Ahhh…one of the first questions everyone asks when they want to get into programming. I see this question a lot online and it is totally understandable. Many aspiring programmers don’t know what’s out there and what the main purpose is for each language. Also, they may not see much of a difference between each of…

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  • Why you should learn C

    C is one of the big names in the programming world. Created in 1972 by Dennis Ritchie, this programming language has a long history and a continuing legacy that continues to this day. Much of the digital world has been built in C and even many popular languages like Python, Java, and JavaScript have been…

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  • C tutorial: How to store different types of data in a program

    In essence, all that a program does is take in data, process it, and give it to you in a processed format that you want. For example, YouTube takes in video data from one person and makes it available to many people. Video editing programs take raw video data and allows editors to edit the…

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