For those who aspire to have a programming job, there’s a lot of speculation about what programming jobs are like. I see many questions online and even had my own guesses when I was still a student about what work life would be like.
Maybe you are wondering how much skill is needed to land a job. Will I have to know how to program an app from start to finish? How big can programs get? How often should or would I be looking to online resources as I code?
In this video, I dispel three myths about programming jobs that I see online and have had myself before I started working. In many surprising ways, my job turned out to be a lot easier and simpler than I expected. In other ways, it was also harder than I expected.
In this video, you’ll learn:
-What kind of tasks you can expect in your first job
-What programming jobs are centered around
-How often you will use online resources on the job
Hope this helps!