What is GitHub and how to use it?

When you start learning how to code, you will eventually see people talk about github. What is github and how do I start using it? Do I need to use it?

Well, the truth is, every software developer I know uses git. It’s such a useful tool not only for individual development, but also when working in teams. It allows multiple people to work in parallel on different parts of the code and even sometimes on the same parts.

It is especially important in production code. Many times at my company, we would discover that one of our features broke because of another team’s code. Using git helps us track down what lines of code caused our code to break. Or when a part of our code no longer works, we could revert back to older versions of our code to find a version that works. It’s almost unthinkable to not use git when developing because so many things can go wrong and git helps make things more manageable.

If you’re going to become a developer and especially if you are planning to find a software job, knowing git is essential. That’s where github comes in. The most popular way to play with git on your own personal computer is through github. The goal of this video is just to give you a starting/entry point into git. I’ll teach the fun tricks in later videos, but for now I just want you to start using it period. You’ll thank me later 🙂

In this video, you’ll learn
-Why git is essential for developers
-How to set up your github account
-Essential git commands to get started

Hope you learned something!