How To Go From Noob to Proficient at Coding

What is the difference between a noob coder and a proficient coder?

When I look back over the years of my software development career, I can see that I’ve grown a lot.

As far as noob coders go, I’ve interacted with a lot of new programmers at my university when I was an Undergraduate Teaching Fellow (UTF). As UTF, I led discussion sections and graded homework, projects, and exams. I answered a plethora of emails whenever students got stuck on their homework or projects. I also held office hours where students could meet with me in person for help when they got stuck on homework or projects.

Recently, I’ve been helping new programmers online get better by answering their questions as they work on their projects. Or when they are finished with their projects, I would review their code and give them feedback on their code.

With regards to proficient coders, I’ve worked with a lot of senior software developers throughout my software development career. As I’ve worked with them, I’ve become proficient myself.

So all this to say, I’ve seen what proficient coders look like and I’ve seen what noob coders look like.

In this video, you’ll learn:
✅ How proficient coders develop their code
✅ How proficient coders debug their code
✅ How to get better if you’re a noob

Thank you for watching, and happy coding! 💻🧡