How to Plan a Beginner-Friendly Coding Capstone Project

In my last video, I talked about why every beginner programmer should start building their capstone project as soon as possible. If you haven’t seen that video, be sure to check it out.

In case you don’t know what a capstone project is, it’s a term I took from my university, where we built a capstone project that combined all the skills we learned that semester into one final project. That kind of project is really useful, especially for learning how to code, which is why I recommend beginners start programming their capstone project as soon as possible.

In this video, I want to give more practical advice. I’ll go over six steps you can take to start planning your capstone project. Then, at the end of the video, I’ll share an overarching tip you should keep in mind as you go through this plan.

Thank you for watching, and happy coding! 💻

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