Category: Uncategorized

  • How to Debug Like a Pro: Strategies for Beginners

    When you’ve been coding for some time, you’ll eventually run into problems in your code or bugs in your program. Even the most experienced programmers encounter bugs. Bugs are annoying because you don’t understand why they’re happening, which can be frustrating. This is probably the most frustrating part of coding. However, when you debug your…

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  • Beginner’s Guide: Setting Up Your Coding Environment on Mac (VS Code, Git, & GitHub)

    So, I got a new MacBook on Black Friday, and I haven’t done any coding on it yet. The development environment isn’t set up, so I was thinking of making a video about how to set up your development environment on a Mac. If you’re new to the channel, I do a lot of coding…

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  • Understanding Data Types: Why They Matter and How to Use Them

    Data types are foundational to programming. They allow computers to understand what kind of data they’re working with, how to store it, and how to process it. For programmers, understanding data types is like understanding how different pieces in chess move. If programming is like a game of chess, then data types are like the…

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