Category: Uncategorized

  • What It Really Takes To Be a Software Developer

    Becoming a software developer and landing a software job is a dream for many people. It provides a good work-life balance, and it’s also fun to do. Being a programmer is enjoyable, but is it too hard? Does it take a particular kind of person to become a software developer? Maybe you’re one of these…

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  • Your First 30 Days of Coding

    So, your first 30 days of coding… Maybe you’re looking at the news, or you’re looking into the market, and you’re starting to see that our world is becoming more and more digital. You see a lot of businesses shifting and starting to build more digital products, more digital services, and shift their stores online.What…

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  • Craft Your Coding Plan for Success in the New Year! 🚀

    Learning how to program in your coding journey can be very daunting and discouraging at times. The programming world is vast, with different languages, frameworks, philosophies, and development tools. Adding to the complexity, you’re likely learning to code on the side while working full-time in an unrelated job to software development. With these factors in…

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