Category: Uncategorized

  • How to Use ChatGPT To Get Better at Programming [Beginner Coding Challenge]

    I’ve been using ChatGPT a lot the past couple of weeks and I’m pretty impressed by the kinds of things it’s able to do. I thought it was just going to be a normal chat bot that you play with and then you’re done, but actually you can do a lot of interesting things. I…

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  • How To Use For Loops in C [C Tutorial]

    For loops are like a handy tool in programming that help us do things over and over again without writing the same code multiple times. They’re like a friendly robot that follows your instructions step by step. You tell it how many times to do something, and it does it, no questions asked. This saves…

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  • How To Create and Merge Branches in Git

    How do developers collaborate on projects using Git? They use something called Git branches. Every code base in Git has a master or main branch. This branch is the latest and greatest and most up to date version of your project’s codebase. Whenever I work on a new feature or fix a bug at my…

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