Category: Uncategorized

  • How to connect Visual Studio with GitHub on Mac!

    Connecting your an IDE with your repository is a game changer. It allows you to develop code and have version tracking all in one application! At work, I’ve mainly used Windows and Linux. At home, I use Mac. This tutorial is for you Mac users who are coding on your personal laptops 🙂 In this…

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  • Why you should start using Terminal and how to use it

    Using Terminal or some sort of command line interface is essential for anyone working with computers and especially for programmers. It allows you to do a deep dive into your computer when something is wrong. It allows you to perform software installations. It allows you to execute scripts and compile your code. It also allows…

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  • Do I need a degree to be a software engineer?

    Software engineering and software development jobs are in high demand these days and it makes a lot of sense. The digital world is growing more and more everyday and our world is becoming more and more digital. Businesses and products are going digital. Anyone heard of NFTs, the Metaverse, VR, online courses and universities? But…

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